Tuesday, January 28, 2014

the butterfinger battle

Tonight I worked out.

I am hefty. I need to lose weight. 

I worked out. On a bike. A stationary bike. 

But before I could work out, I had to buy some water.

I forgot my water. At home.

I went to CVS to buy some water.

The Butterfingers grabbed my attention.

The Butterfingers Cups called to me.

They said, "Buy me."

They said, "Eat me."

They said, "I be tastin' so gooooood before you work out."

I picked it up.

I wanted to buy it. 

It was on sale.

I could buy it. I could eat it. I was going to work out, so it would wash, right?

It would.

Picked it up.

Looked at the peanut butter and chocolate. Thought of how good it would be.

But when do I stop?

When do I realize that I can work out all day long, I can do all the right things

But I continue to parallel them with the wrong things, it wont matter.

One workout does not equal Butterfinger Cups

I put them back

I bought my water.

I lamented. Butterfinger Cups would have been so good. 

I sipped my water. It was sparkling. And fizzy. I didn't realize that's what I was buying.

And that's okay. The Butterfinger Cups would have been so good. 

But not tonight. Perhaps I'll lose the Butterfinger Battle tomorrow.

Perhaps I'll lose it next week.

But not tonight.


I won the Butterfinger Battle. 

I'll lose the weight I want to lose by winning one small battle at a time.

(18,146 words written for #500Words... 1,854 words until #20KWordsinJanuary)

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