Tuesday, December 31, 2024

to campbell, on your 13th birthday

 Dear Campbell,

Somehow you turned 13 when
we weren't watching.

As per usual, I'm coming in late with this, barely getting it in, not only before the month's end -- but the year's end!  You've officially been a teenager for a solid month now, and while I run the risk of sounding like every other parent who is watching their kid basically grow up quickly in front of their eyes... I'm watching you grow up quickly right before my own eyes. 

There is so much to say this time around, but let's start like we always do... the year in general.  Not only did you get to see a few movies in the theaters this time around -- "Wild Robot", "Inside Out 2" and "Despicable Me 4" -- there is the promise of "Moana 2" coming up this week. 

Not gonna lie... your love of Thomas the Train has somewhat lessened - obviously, it's just you getting older, but it's fun watching your love for actual trains remain. Your main Christmas wish was a train station Lego set (and we got it... hence, the Pile of '24, but that's another story). Even the one Thomas stye train you did ask for, you only wanted because it was a "Talking Emily".  You cared nothing about the tracks or the set up... you just enjoyed the trains talking to each other.  By your next birthday, who knows if you'll even have those out our around.

Music? Somehow you became, much to my dismay, a Sabrina Carpenter fan. While I have done a pretty good job of shielding you from some of the bad stuff on the radio, getting your very own boombox radio for your room means I cannot monitor everything you listen to -- but it's been your Mom's and my job for a while to try to help you understand what is right and wrong... and understand what kind of music really isn't what Jesus would like at all.  I hope we've done that (though the first time I hear you walking around singing "I'm begging you please Little Sucker", I'm taking the radio away).

Also, your top five?  Nearly the same last year's, only Panic at the Disco's "High Hopes" have taken that lead off spot, while dropping a Dua Lipa song, and keeping everything else the same. 

And your love of music has really cultivated, not just with your piano lessons with Alaina, whom we all love, but you playing the baritone in band at school!  Watching your concert was... well, amazing. Just watching you play your horn, sit amongst the band, and have a fun time was pretty stinkin' cool.  And not just once have I heard you walk the aisles of a Target or 2nd & Charles singing loudly, notably, "Symptoms of Being Human" by Shinedown.  I do have to keep you a little quiet, but please, sing away. Never stop singing. 

Speaking of firsts, YOUR FIRST DANCE. What?? Sixth grade has seemingly been great for you, as you went to your first social... sure, you didn't dance much (or at all) but you had a good time hanging with friends - and I noticed how a bunch of the kids called your name, gave you high fives and hugs and warm greetings when you came in and all through the night.  Sure, there will always be kids (and notably adults) who are jerks -- but I'd like to think those are becoming less frequent. And when you do find that kid who is a jerk to you, be kind, turn the other cheek, and simply say, "Yeah, well, you are dumb and your mom is a ho."  That'll do it. 

Taking the selfies at the dance
with your buddies Addy
and Hillary. If you take either of 
these to prom, I ain't mad about it

Also, your first overnight retreat -- Dauphin Island, with your 5th grade class in January -- and of course, riding the Jeeps at Ady's Racers Event a few weeks ago... I only mention this because you apparently were the talk of the Jeep group there... "We were hoping Campbell would come.  Someone asked, 'Y'all know about that kid who rides each of the Jeeps one time, in order, that comes every year? Is he coming back??' and I said, 'I hope so!' and everyone agreed.  So glad you made it!" was the response when we showed up. And over the next four hours, you went on FOURTEEN Jeep rides. Okay, 13, and 1 Bronco ride, but you get it. They loved you. Of course they did. 

Your mom and I have watched you mature so much this year - you are talking so much more, answering full questions, saying full sentences, and your growth is been leaps and bounds.  Your love of Jesus and always making sure you have your Bible when we walk into church is so encouraging to both of us, and to those around you.  We praise God that He has put incredibly influential adults around you like Claudia and Pastor Corey and Ms Mandie and Ms Sarah and your therapist Lori, and the list goes on.

I was super stoked to take you on your first Father/Son trip to Walt Disney World -- definitely learned a few things about taking you solo, by the way, things we'll use this summer when we go on our Dad & Campbell WDW Trip 2025.  Of course, not all of your firsts were grand... if you read this and don't remember exactly what happened in December 2024, this was the month of the Seizure at Disney World.

(Sidebar: for those of you who just read that last sentence, then read it again to make sure you understood it, yes, he had a seizure in Disney World, and was diagnosed with Focal Epilepsy. Much, much more to say on that, but at a later date - just know that he's great, we are confident he'll be fine and manage it well, and if you didn't know, you didn't miss anything - we only told a few select people and haven't posted about it on socials until this very post)

You were an absolute SUPERSTAR, kid. You dealt with three days of hospital stuff, never complained, only whined a little when they did bloodwork and such, and handled it like an absolute champ.  I can't tell you how proud we are of you for all of that, and while I can't promise it won't happen again, I can promise that we'll do our very best to make sure it doesn't.

On a trip we weren't sure we could even finish,
The Lovely Steph Leann and C and I (and GG)
made it to the parks anyway

Okay. I've already rambled around in circles for enough time... this was in fact an election year... the third of your life, as a matter of fact.  Like 2016 and 2020, a whole lot of people like to yell at each other, sometimes making worthy points, but mostly trying to be the loudest.  Ignore it. Learn what you can. Don't take any celeb or news talking head at face value. Dig a little to get all the information to figure out what you truly believe. And if can't figure it out from there, remember that if it's inline with Scripture, then it's okay, even if your conclusion isn't popular.  And if it goes against the Word of God, then know that whatever it is is not okay--even if it's a popular conclusion with others.  Your mom and I will always be happy to give you what we have learned, and help you find others who can be trusted to give you good insight. And no matter what anyone tells you -- on either side of the politicking aisle -- its going to be okay. It really will be. 

Finally... I often describe you as "one of the most chill kids I know", and that is so true... sure, you have your moments (we all do) and sure I'm behind on work because I've been helping you with Legos for a few hours per day for like, four straight days (and I wouldn't change a thing), but if I may paraphrase Elton John, "You are the sweetest kid... I've ever seen... and you can tell everybody... this is your blog post..."

We love you bigtime. More than you know. And always remember Jesus loves you more than all of us combined and then a bunch more. 

Your Dad

(if you want to read the other letters, you'll find C's 12 Birthday letter here, his 11th Birthday note here, and then his 10th Birthday note, which features links to the rest)

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