Think Hootie + Sister Hazel + The Nixons = Big Head Todd & the Monsters
I love my iPod... unless something just incredible happens, my iPod will be a shoo-in to be #1 on this year's list of the 100 Coolest Things of 2006 (like last year's list, only this year). And I've got tons of music on it, and always adding more... and always looking for new stuff that I might like. So, imagine my joy and happiness when I re-discovered the Hoover Public Library and all of its resources. I say "re-discover" because I'd been there only once before... well, actually, to the theater, when Hillary Kelly and I saw a play once on a date--yes, that Hillary Kelly. See, it was a... I mean, it happened... you know what? Never mind.
Anyway, I went in not too long ago, and I'm not even sure why... and found their section of CDs and their section of audiobooks... so I made sure my info on my library card was correct--which it wasn't. It was two addresses and three phone numbers ago, but no matter. I updated it, then surfed through the CDs and audiobooks. I checked out a stack of stuff, including Sean Hannity's "Deliver Us from Evil" and a 10,000 Maniacs cd (another band I didn't know I liked, outside of "These are Days" and the unplugged "Because the Night" cover).
So, I would load my rentals into my computer, then onto the iPod, and then once a week or two, I'd return my stuff back to the library, and check out a few more. I've managed to load audiobooks like Tom Brokaw's "Greatest Generation", this book for work I'm supposed to read but will end up listening to and, the one I can't wait to listen to soon, Ann Coulter's "How to Talk to a Liberal (if you must)".
I haven't returned Lisa Beamer's "Let's Roll" and Trisha Meili's "I Am the Central Park Jogger", because I'm loading them in the next few days. Yes, I agree with what you are thinking--"why not just read the book", and I say to that "I plan to. I just have this in case I don't get to it."
Is it bad I think she's hot? Is it still too soon?
As for CDs, I've loaded in Jessica Andrews, Taylor Dayne, Sara Evans and Sting. Granted, I don't usually load the whole CD in, I usually just find the songs I like and grab them--sometimes, as with the case of Sting, I pretty much have all the songs already, but I'd much rather have a CD quality version than one I downloaded...
...which brings me to a point... yes, I download music. And I'm sure that some of it is not exactly on the up and up. And yes, you might be questioning me on the ethics of copying a CD that I don't actually own.. and to you, I say, I've heard your argument. When I stand before Him, if He says to me, "You know, David, you made Me proud, you did what I asked of you... except for one thing. The music downloading..." then you know, I can live with myself for eternity. So don't email me or comment to me to rebuke. I won't like it. =)
Just got back a few minutes ago, with said Monsters CD. I also picked up the Ocean's Eleven soundtrack, Dave Matthew's "Crash", Nirvana's "From the Muddy Banks of Wishkah" and Bonnie Raitt's "Nick of Time". Also managed to get Stephen Bishop's Greatest Hits, so I can get a better copy of "On and On" and the love theme from Tootsie, "It Might Be You". No, I'm not kidding.
And I'm not kidding either when I say I grabbed Gwen Stefani's "Love.Angel.Music.Baby" Hey, lay off--Gwen is awesome. She's everything Fergie wants to be, including good looking, but can't quite get there. Have you heard Fergie's new song, "London Bridge"? Its terrible! Holy cow... not even good bad like "Hollaback Girlz" or "My Humps"... I mean, its awful...
...speaking of Fergie, did you know she was in a band called Wild Orchid, before the Black Eyed Peas? Guess who actually has a Wild Orchid CD? Yep.
Oh, and I got the audiobook to Stephen King's "LT's Theory of Pets", and this time, I actually checked out a book.... Mike Greenberg's "Why My Wife Thinks I'm an Idiot: The Life and Times of a Sportscaster Dad". Read an excerpt not too long ago, and its really funny. So, this can be the third book I'm reading at one time, after this one and this one. I thought I was abnormal, but apparently, lots of people do this.
By the way, Big Head Todd & the Monsters? I like 'em. Apparently, they opened for Al Franken, so they obviously can't be too bright, but I know lots of stupid people that can play guitar.
Hey, you ever listened to Shawn McDonald? GOOD stuff.
"Why My Wife Thinks I'm an Idiot": Hilarious. If you can put up with the language and the constant flaunting of how much money Greenberg has, the book is absolutely hilarious.